The upcoming New Moon in Sagittarius is happening today and at present I am writing this in the dark moon phase of the Moon cycle where potential is waiting to arise. It feels uncomfortable as it resonates with the time of year and the Solar Cycles as we approach the Winter Solstice on 21st December. This is the darkest time of the year for those in the Northern Hemisphere.
Today we can still look at our shadow work with compassion, what is arising in our metaphorical cave. There is a push and pull to hibernate and yet also to go questing for new ideas and beliefs.
The New Moon and Eclipse at 16.16 thereabouts for both alignments is once again a new phase where the seed ideas can be planted. The energy of the sign of Sagittarius is about the following bullet point list.
Do any of these resonate with you ?
Fire - lighting the way, fire of the hearth and home in the Midwinter.
Searching and gaining inspiration
New ideas.
Consciousness expansion
Nature Law and Truth
What areas of life do we need to step up to.
Sagittarius also rules the thighs in the body, there is a resonance there. The thighs propel us forward and here we find the largest muscles in the body. So it is a good time to see where your thighs have been holding tension - massage work on the leg and these powerful muscles could be helpful. Self massage is more than adequate to just honour this part of our bodies. What do we need to step up to or are we taking too big steps in our life.
If you would like to find out more about your own individual chart and where the New Moon falls in your own natal astrological chart then please contact me on