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Posted 06/01/2023 in Category 1 by Unique Kinesiology

Full Moon In Cancer, January 6th 2023

Full Moon In Cancer, January 6th 2023

Full Moon in Cancer coming up at 16 degrees Cancer Friday evening in the UK. Today the Sun is at 15 degrees 

Even though we have just moved past the Winter Solstice and gradually the light of the Sun is lengthening our days we are still in the Season of Winter, here in the Northern Hemisphere.  It is too early to feel a spring like quality of new beginnings and after all, this is a Full Moon and not a New Moon.  However the fullness of the moment is seen but not the time to nurture the new seed.  That being said can you feel the stirring of new promise ahead?  Emotions feel more heightened at the full moon and we know deep down that our emotional life is so important to our wellbeing and the ability to feel our heart's desire.  The light of the Moon could be shining fully on the projects and ideas that you have been re-thinking and re-doing in your head, it will soon be time to put a stake in the ground.   

This full moon is in Cancer at 16 degrees and so the Sun is in the opposite sign of Capricorn at 16 degrees.  Traditionally, today is marked as Epiphany, when the Wise Men arrived to marvel at the birth of Jesus. This new birth of the Light is echoed in many traditions.   Epiphany, means to Reveal, and there are many esoteric and spiritual possibilities to be gained as we tune into what can be revealed to us at the Moon's full light.  I mentioned yesterday that the fixed Star Sirius, at 15 degrees of Cancer, is seen in many ancient civilisations as the spiritual sun.  In ancient Egypt Sirius was seen as the Goddess Sopdet, and venerated as the Star rising just before the flooding of the Nile bringing the abundance of new growth and crops to the Nile valley every year at the end of June, beginning of July.  This area of the sky is seen as a source of birth and growth and this emergence of life echoes the archetype of the sign of Cancer ruled by the Moon.  

Mercury and the Sun are in the Sign of Capricorn both concerned with making strategic and timely plans for steady progress.  Although Mercury is retrograde, the conjunction with the Sun over the weekend could bring clarity of those plans and new signs and symbols emerging into consciousness.  Although, this will be different for everyone depending on where the planets fall in your chart as to which areas of life are being lit up at the present time.  ( If you would like to find out about your planetary placements let me know and I will help you to find out ).  

It is always good to review communications and thinking during Mercury retrograde times.    Mars, the planet of action, is also retrograde in Gemini, you could be feeling the brakes are on at the moment in general.   However, Mars will be moving in direct motion soon on the 12th January and gradually build up pace, so a good time to review action plans that have seemed to be stalled since the beginning of September.   You may have noticed that you need to have a spring clean of your belief systems - time to finish up that process for soon you may need to put that all into effect.  The Full Moon is also picking up the energy of Uranus in Taurus, so expect the unexpected.    New ideas are waiting to come through and find a seed bed.  So keep your psychic antennae peeled.

Key areas of work:

Keep grounding your energy - meditation is good connecting to the earth energy and exercise too.

Investigate your beliefs, what old beliefs can you let go of now.  What needs a revamp and can you declutter the mind of old beliefs holding you back.  Crystals can help to clear away the dross. Also, a good time to cleanse your crystals if you have them.

Communicate from the heart and let the head / mind have space to let go.  New ideas can come through then.

Lay the ground for your new plans, prepare the pathways.

I am offering New Year Readings to help you navigate 2023 for your best year yet, connect with me here to find out more.

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