Full Moon at 11.53 UK Time 14th June 2022
We are fast approaching the Solstice and this Full Moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius, Sun in Gemini, is one that picks up the energy of the New Moon eclipse back on 14 December 2020 in Sagittarius. It would be worth taking the time today and as we approach the solstice to look back at the balance of light and dark, metaphorically and literally as we approach the longest day of light and recall the longest day of darkness. What seeds of the Heart were planted back in 2020, which may be appearing now to be seen. I am thinking of the yin and yang aspect of light and dark as in the yin is always a seed of yang and the yang is always a seed of yin. In these strange times what was happening back in December 2020 that can be acknowledged and seen as a trigger for change and growth.
I am noticing that with the recent Venus Uranus conjunction in Taurus and also the ingress of Mercury into Gemini that there could be some things bubbling up to the surface around clarity, communication on all levels. Maybe even opportunity to let go of old energy around shared resources or unexpected relationship happenings. Mercury is coming out of the shadow of the recent retrograde which also fits into the theme of redoing and noticing where the quicksilver spirit has taken us. Ideas could be buzzing now and opportunities to communicate on the big picture frameworks and also the small minutiae. As always though, it might be easy to get carried away, especially as Jupiter the planet ruling the Sagittarius Full Moon is in Aries, which is also co present with Mars, back to Mars in a minute. So take the time to check facts and figures and look forward to some movement of ideas coming up and especially at the end of the week.
It could also be an opportunity this week as Mars is coming up to a conjunction with Chiron in Aries to tackle some healing issues. This is definitely a new seeding time for healing. More synchronicity here as Mars was conjunct Chiron at the end of 2020 as well. Can you take action with some new healing modalities now. A good use of the impetus of Mars but take care as this is fiery energy. Maybe think about what that might mean for you.
And then if that wasn’t enough to be getting on with Neptune in Pisces is making a square to the Full Moon, with Neptune here we may need to watch out for being carried away with the collective or being fogged out with some kind of delusion. Saying that though there is always a flip side, a yin and yang, whereby the traditional ruler of Pisces, Jupiter could have a spark in our healing journey and both can give us glimpses to the healing that might be necessary to see the truth.
I would love to hear how this Full Moon is for you – do let me know by emailing tha.chaplin@btinternet.com
If you would like to know where these transits fall in your chart I am offering some Solstice Gifts of mini readings for £25 for half an hour. Message or text me for more details 07752011439