www.theholisticdirectory.co.uk - The Holistic Directory
Posted 11/12/2022 in Category 1 by Olubunmi Aboaba

7 Fun Ways To Make Visualization Easier

7 Fun Ways To Make Visualization Easier

7 Fun ways to make visualization easier.


Visualization is such a cool way to help you achieve whatever it is you set out to do and live the life you truly desire. When we connect our vision and our values and the visualize this is where the magic happens and where we can show up as the best version of ourselves...so is this magic?

No ....it is in fact Science. 

Science has already documented the effectiveness of visualization extensively and its based-on neuroscience. Its just that we are using more of our brain in a structured and practical manner. This has a profound effect on our health, success, relationships... the list goes on.

Visualization is about using more of  our brain. When we visualize, especially when we have created a scenario in our mind’s eye, we use more of the right brain. We tap into and tune into more of the  creative, intuitive and holistic parts of ourselves. And we blend this with the rational, analytical, verbal parts of the brain. In other words, we use more of ourselves and our potential when we visualize. Visualization is a powerful way to activate more of our potential.

The right brain deals  with the networks and flows, and with the “big” picture. The right brain offers us a reservoir of inspiration and resilience in seeing beyond the details- amazing isn’t it ?

Our brains react to what we visualize as if it were happening in real life. From the subconscious mind’s perspective, we don’t just live once. When we visualize and replay a success scene from our past or rehearse a perfect performance in the future the subconscious mind reacts as if it were happening right now. It doesn’t know the difference and this gives us the opportunity to show up as our best self in any give moment. I can truly say form my experience that visualization is an amazingly powerful tool.

Visualization is the practice of affecting your outside world by changing your thoughts and using imagination to experience new events. By creating a detailed picture of what you want, over and over again and by using all senses to recreate these, new patterns for a change in behaviours are laid down in the brain as templates.

Using your mind and imagination, you can see the potential for new events that you desire in your life and this can help you to see new learnings and experiences differently and picture positive outcomes  and positive new angles in your reality.

The secret is to keep practicing until it comes naturally. I do a little 5 min visualization in the morning as intention setting for the day ahead – I love it and its fun, especially when you reflect on how much of what you visualized that day occurred.

Never underestimate your ability to visualize. When someone tells me they can’t do it , I quickly ask them to  visualize their front door in their minds eye and BOOM they can. Or to picture a bowl of a lemons and you cut one in half , you begin to salivate. It is powerful.

Here are 7 ideas on how to help you visualize like a never before 

         1.What’s Familiar

Think of a lived experience ,  your wedding day, sitting in your garden on a sunny day, what you had for lunch . Starting with something familiar gets us in the groove and builds up your visualization muscles .

2.Visual Navigation

Start to walk around your garden see what you notice, Think of a memorable holiday where you went to sight-see your favourite places, notice with your minds eye, the sights, the smells, the people. Practicing this builds up your neural pathways for stronger visualisations.

3.Self Talk

Sometimes we place undue pressure on ourselves when creating something . Remove words such as  “ Should” “Must do” “aught to “ from your day to day language . Slowly introduce words such as “I desire” “I enjoy “so its “feels “ lighter and motivates   action taking to actualise your desire vision.

4.Encore Encore Encore 

Like anything its practice practice and more practice. Set some time aside each day, find a comfortable place and visualise away. Really revel in it so much so that you get to finally visualise with all your senses.

5.Short term goals 

This is a comfortable start. Maybe 5 mins twice a day and simple goals, desires. Visualise each step towards. When, where and with whom? Make it as vivid as possible.

6.Easy Anchors 

Use familiar objects to anchor or ‘Fix’ the images and the feelings of your new goals. Examples: trees, steps, buildings, traffic lights. Things that you encounter on a regular basis and that will remind you of the steps along your journey and your goal.

7.Focus on the step

Research has shown that it’s just as important to focus on the steps as well as keeping the outcome in your mind’s eye. Visualise the steps along the way and you will fond that the outcome will be much more robust.

Would you like to go one step further? Want to align to your future self and find your Signature of Success  to work on in the here and now?

I can help you make this your reality now. Connect with me today 



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