10 Reasons Why I claim the title of energy alchemist.
I have been described as an Indigo Child, which is a pretty way of saying that as a child I was awkward, sensitive, hyper aware of others and their emotions, as a result developed the very accurate skill of being able to read people, their energy and their potential.
In my childhood I lived in Saudi Arabia for two years and I went to both Arabic and Pakistani schools. I’ve also lived in and visited a number of other countries around the globe, this taught me the lesson that us humans are massively similar the world over. We generally experience joy and sorrow in the same way for exactly the same reasons.
My loves include Modern / Digital Art, Hybrid / Fusion Music, Soulful / Personal Business, Dance Improvisation, Authentic Creative Expression, Books, Hearty Conversations, Energy Work and Divine Weaving. Being an Energy Creatrix allows me to bring my full self to the table.
My Grandmother was a major muse and influencer for me, she was a mystic, highly psychic and a complete maverick. She taught me how to straddle the worlds of matter and spirit, she demonstrated our ability to access peoples past and future timelines, she showed me the template of a path committed to spiritual evolution and she demystified the human intuitive gift, which allowed me to accept my own intuition as a normal part of my being.
I spent 10 years within Media Advertising, first for the BBC and later for Music Week Magazine. I worked on various projects where I was set a budget and given free rein in order to make them a financial success. This taught me that if we put our minds to anything we can create resources, value for others and success out of sheer determination, commitment, attention to detail, positivity, and focus.
Energy work is a huge passion of mine because I discovered that our successes, our failures, and our transformations are determined by the quality of the energy we have at our disposal and our ability to flow that energy within and without.
I believe that every adult needs the opportunity to explore their own minds in empowering ways, to release the thoughts and beliefs that don’t serve them, and to strengthen the belief systems that reflect and resonate with the very best of who they are. This is a primary driving force in all my work.
I was wrongly labeled with dyslexia as a child, mainly because by the age of 7 I could barely read and write English (the result of being the only westerner in an Arabic school between 5 and 7). At 8 I worked out that magic was held in the written word and fell in love with books, so much so that I wrote one myself. Artists of Health is a series of interviews with over 40 of the UK’s greatest pioneers in the world of Mind Body & Spirit.
I’m passionate about connecting YOU the thought leader, paradigm shifter, evolutionary, to your purpose, your heart felt loves and your expression of who you are as Divine entity, so that they can amplify your gift of service in the world..
I get fired up about human expansion, personal growth and what it takes for us to thrive as individuals and by extension, as a community.
I believe we all have a blueprint burning inside of us that wants to be expressed into the world through us. Energy work, healing, spirituality and intuition were keys that were switched on and activated right from the start for me, all my life experiences have just served to amplify and expand my ability to express these keys. My passion lies in helping you to honour your own blueprint and the way it’s asking to be birthed through you.