Full Moon in January is on the 17th January at 23:48
A meditation at a little earlier time than that (!) at 8.30pm that night.
This full moon is known as Wolf Moon - a powerful archetype-being with qualities that are within us too.
Come run with the wolves a little, learn from Wolf Wisdom ways to clear what no longer is beneficial to carry round with us, to way for the new influx of our empowerment, in service with the earth and our communities.
All welcome, offered by donation, give what you feel, be that financial, skillshare, or simply participation.
Please add me on Skype a day or two beforehand 'creuynni' and I will add you to the meditation group there or you can register on eventbrite for the Skype group link.
These events aim to be inclusive. LGBT+, all ethnicities, genders and those who identify as gender-free, those with disabilities/differently-abled, practising naturists, NDs, NTs, all those that appreciate our united diversity appreciated, loved and welcomed here.