I've gone from charging by the hour for my coaching services (for anyone who'd pay me) to sustaining a multi 6 figure coaching business, for the past 3 years, while traveling the world and working with rockstar, soulmate clients!
My clients are spiritual, high-achieving: women online entrepreneurs, healers, coaches, creatives.
From creating first high-end programmes and clients, becoming fully booked, getting more visible on stage and screen, published books, running their own retreats and events, worldwide and scaling to their first 5, 10, 20 and even 30k+ months; it's my absolute honour and pleasure to see my clients activate their SoulFire and Align & Rise to create the income and impact they desire in their business and lives that feel as good as they look.
At the end of 2015, I'd had ENOUGH!
Enough of the financial feast to famine cycle, enough of working all hours of the day trying to figure it out on my own, enough of not being able to make an impact or being able to support the people I knew I could really help and enough of not living in my Pinterest board!
Sitting at my dining room table in our small basement flat in London, I scrolled down my Facebook feed for probably the 15th time that day. My right hand swiping down on my mousepad, left hand under my cheekbone supporting my glum face.
‘How come she’s working with dream clients, traveling the world, moving into a new home, creating more money in a month than I have in a year?’
‘What is happening?’
‘Why can’t I make this work?’
‘What is she doing that I’m not?’
‘That’s IT! I’ve had enough!’
Triggered and inspired, my envy and exhaustion had helped me find the spark that would light my fire!
That moment I decided I was no longer available to live a mediocre life. I decided I was no longer available to be just making enough money to get by and I decided it was time to do whatever it took to fully uncover and step into my power, to create the impact I knew I was here to make and to support others in doing the same.