It's almost the end of the summer and with one third of this year left to go, I have a suggestion.
Beginning on September 1st try something new.
Let’s make this year count for something really important in our lives.Corona means crown. So let me ask you what are you the queen of?
- Photography
- Peace
- Writing
- Baking
- Gardening and growing
- Nourishing
- Wisdom
- Knitting
- Adventure sports
- Interior Design
- Your amazing career
- Drawing
- Love
- Sunshine
- Your family
- Conversation and bringing people together
- Singing
- Computer technology
- Media
- Feng Shui
- Healing
- Beauty
- Travel
…..the list can go on until you find what it is that’s special about you. That thing that you could go on doing all day and forget all about the time. What is it you love even if you don’t think you’re very good at it?
When I was a teenager I’d rush home from school at lunchtime and grab a sandwich while playing my Neil Diamond records. I’d sing along, hairbrush mic in hand, sharing the stage with the great man at the top of my terrible tuneless voice but I was totally in my element. I’d go back to school feeling like a superstar. I was the queen of (singing with) a Diamond.
Just as well I got that out of my system and today it's that nugget of gold or the sparkling diamond within the heart of my clients that I love to help bring into the light.
In my workshops, the one question time and again that women find most difficult to answer is what makes you happy? What is your purpose? What fills you with joy? So I don’t mean paying the mortgage off or a super holiday. I mean what activity or feeling, gives you a lasting sense of fulfilment?
We tend to say when I’ve seen to everyone/ everything else, I’ll concentrate on my own plans or interests. But something always gets in the way. So busy looking after everyone else you lose sight of the unique gifts only you can offer to the world.
Long after this year is over, let’s remember it for the other Corona. The glittering crown you place on your own head when you know what it is that makes you a queen.
From September 1st schedule an hour a day doing or learning about what it is that lights you up. Embark on something thrilling and new even if it fills you with as much trepidation as it does excitement. Begin planning it now, today.
What I have coming up may be just what you need.....
Still haven’t found your personal sparkle? Then take time out just for you where we will examine the past, explore the present and design the future at my ‘Living Magically’ workshop. Chef and food consultant Trisha Hennessy and myself will bring you our ‘NURTURE & NOURISH’ weekend event. After this you will be the queen of your own nutrition with strong, vibrant health and immune system plus you will have a clear blueprint of how to move powerfully and magically through the coming days, weeks and months - whatever happens.
I popped out to ‘Alan’s” greenhouse to say a few words on this. Click on link here to listen in.